A Rant On Commit Messages

Table of Contents

I'm making an effort lately to grant others the benefit of the doubt. When I observe someone do a stupid thing, I start from the assumption that they are not a stupid person who intentionally does stupid things. This sounds obvious, but I need reminding every time I open a 500-line Github Pull Request with a subject line like "refactoring" and the illuminating description, "No description provided."

Why do people do this?

Simple, because people are idiots.

Wait, no! Assume good intent, assume good intent…

In the spirit of being charitable, let's acknowledge that by the time the author of this pull request clicked "publish" they had probably already spent a lot of time and brainpower implementing and (hopefully - but don't get me started, because this is another rant for another time) testing their change. Maybe they submitted it just before rushing out the door to catch a bus. Maybe they were hungry or sleepy and simply lacked the attentional resources needed to write a good commit message.

Maybe our hungry and/or sleepy, mentally-drained, bus-chasing PR author is actually making a perfectly rational choice. Maybe in their subjective cost/benefit analysis, writing a good commit message isn't worth trouble. If true, this explanation should give us hope! You can't really convince someone not to be hungry or tired or unable to focus, but you can point out the benefits of writing good commit messages, which is what I'm about to attempt.

I won't discuss how to write a good commit message - that's been addressed elsewhere 1, 2, 3. Instead, I'll address the "why" by showing that good commit messages make everyone's life better.

1 Commit like everybody is watching

The most obvious reason for writing commit messages is to capture and share context.

One excuse I've heard for skimping on commit messages is, "Jimbo and I chatted about this yesterday, so we're already on the same page." That's swell for you and Jimbo, but the rest of us are stuck here wondering what "oops fix stuff again" means in relation to this weird function call on line 43. (In such cases, "git blame" takes on new significance.)

Open-source communities tend to foster better git hygiene than corporate settings, I've noticed. When you can't just tap your collaborator on the shoulder and get instant feedback, you have to really take the time to communicate your intentions and anticipate potential objections. This is even harder if your code-reviewer is in some far-flung timezone or only responds on weekends. Low conversational bandwidth forces you to be clear and concise in your writing, else you get trapped in an endless back-and-forth. This is why in the open-source world you get beautiful commits like this one 4, which in the corporate world probably would have looked something like:

commit 1bd8346c98d705ac60d435e6cfb6x131c5b18ff8

Author: Jimbo Obmij <jimbo@bigcorp.com>

Date: Thu Apr 14 15:33:48 2019 +0700

    deadlock bug fix attempt 2

    Here's a fix for that weird bug I mentioned in standup

The tragic irony of the open-plan office is that cramming engineers together really does promote collaboration and communication, but only of the synchronous and ephemeral variety. Tapping your neighbor on the shoulder is a short-term win for productivity, but the cost becomes apparent when they go on parental leave, or change jobs, or take vacation, or just forget why they once felt that it was super-important to put a mutex around the call on line 241.

2 WARNING: repos in web browser are richer than they appear

The history of your repository can be a trove of useful information, but only if you a) populate it with good commit messages, and b) know how to explore it. There's a vicious cycle at play here: no one reads commit messages because no one writes good commit messages, and no one writes good commit messages because no one reads them. To break out of this trap, the goodness of good commit messages needs to be more apparent, which starts with knowing how to find them.

As of 2019, Github has been around for 11 years. That's long enough that there's an entire cohort of us who have only ever used git in conjunction with the Github web interface (This generational divide is reflected in our vocabulary, I've noticed: 20-somethings "open a PR" to submit their code changes for review, whereas anyone older than ~30 "sends a patch").

Github is great, but a lot of people treat git like a glorified shuttle that gets code from your laptop into Github. To do any serious exploring you need to go beyond the Github web UI and use a more capable tool. Magit is amazing but inaccessible to the 97.5% 5 who aren't Emacs users, so realistically you're probably going to use good ol' git.

Talking with other developers, I've realized that many aren't aware of git's capabilities. Here are a few examples that illustrate the type of spelunking you can do with the git CLI:

  • git log --grep="ocelot"
    • List all the commits which mention "ocelot" in their commit message
  • git log -G "ocelot\.pounce\(\)"
    • List all the commits whose diff includes the text "ocelot.pounce()"
  • git log --author="Albert Camus"
    • List all the commits by Albert Camus. Partial matches are supported, so you could also use --author="Albert", --author="@bigcorp.net", etc.
  • git log -- tests/ README.md
    • List all the commits which touched files in the tests/ directory or the file README.md
  • git blame -L 223,228 -- tests/core.py
    • Annotate lines 223 - 228 of tests/core.py with information about the last commit that touched these lines

3 Writing as a tool for thinking

Writing clearly is difficult and time-consuming. So why expect engineers who sit next to each other to spend time writing prose that apparently no one reads when they could instead spend that time writing code? Maybe some savvy git user will one day stumble across your commit and be grateful for its detailed commit message, but the probability is low. It's more likely that your commit messages will be skimmed exactly once during a code review by someone sitting so close that you can hear the Daft Punk leaking out of their noise-cancelling headphones. So why bother?

I would argue that even if no one ever reads your commit message, it's still worth taking the time to write it. In this case, the value isn't in the artifact - it's in the process.

When I struggle to write a commit message, it's usually an indication that my code isn't actually ready for review. Often I'll begin typing something like, "We persist the intermediate results on disk, which should always be safe because…", only to find that I can't truthfully complete the sentence. I then have to revisit the code and either convince myself of the soundness of my implementation or revise the code until I'm able to write a coherent commit message.

This happens often enough that I'll occasionally reverse the order of the process. Rather than do all of that hard thinking post facto, I'll front-load it and write the commit message before I start on the implementation. This idea isn't particularly novel - rubber-duck debugging, TDD, README-driven development, etc. are all based on the same insight: namely, the act of exposition teases out ambiguity and exposes sloppy thinking. In this way, the commit message is both prescriptive and descriptive; it guides us to what we ought to do, then it tells everyone else what we did and why.

4 Conclusion

So please, invest more effort into your commit messages - if not for the sake of your git-savvy colleagues, then for yourself. The prose itself is a great resource once you know how to find it (git log and git blame are your friends!), but the mere act of writing will improve your software. It's also a good way to build writing practice into your daily routine (which I clearly need, considering how difficult this was to write!)
